Is it just me or...

 I do this thing where I'm doing fucking great for a period of time----and then a bit later on, maybe like a couple months, I'm feeling really groggy and heavy...only to then have a thought that reminds me that i'm actually still doing fucking good. 

is it just me or does that happen to you too?

There's no such thing as "falling off". You're just continuing down the path....

literally you're just going, and the decisions you make along the way are a part of the destination. 

fucking bananas. 

I tend to over complicate things. 

I just realized today that my blogging could be a side hustle. 

The simple idea that i love to write and share and have these big dialogues with myself and question my own council is really fucking cool. 

The fact that i enjoy doing that publicly on this platform with you guys is some jupiter opposing venus in my 5th house of Aquarius shit😂

I share my experiences here because it helps me to just say things outloud. 

I hope that this is offering a perspective for you to take a look around at your own life and apply what you like and throw away what you don't.

This 30 days / 30 songs challenge is really opening me up in an unexpected way. 

More on that another day. 

to listen to songs 1 thru 5, click here 

I like this space and I like the idea of this being a "side-hustle" this is something else that I get to offer along with all of the other wonderful things I offer and that this is a space for me and my energetic currency.

You can come here and gain wealth and knowledge or you can come here and be drained confused angered or negative.

which path will you choose?



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