dood life is fucken weird...

at one moment you're a kid and then 10 years go by and you're an "adult" but you could lowkey still be carrying around all the fucken fucked up teaching/programming/beliefs from your family upbringing and your friends and shit and so really time just passes and you're older but you really are just mentally still the same person carrying around the same shit from when you were little and you don't even realize until you REALLY experience the shit called your "awakening" and you realize that your life is what YOU want it to be and then you start to actively let go of all the shit you've been carrying around and all the programs you installed for protection when you were a kid and at the mercy of your family who could only teach you as much as they know (which honestly wasnt much or the most healthy) and so you spend the first couple years of healing angry and crying and hating everyone and just really not sure whats real anymore and then 6 years later you start to get the hang of the real you and then you come back around your family and you look around like wow you all are fucked and im appreciative of these lessons and shit but fuck you guys and also thank you and you continue to do the work and you reparent yourself and realize that no one can take care of you better than you and that's the point of being here.
self-healing is fucking confusing but it makes sense.
this life is fucking weird and rewarding.
everything in this reality is based on a binary, not to separate things into good and bad, but to show you that you cant know one without the other.
life is fucking weird and im happy to be here.


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